Support to your operations: DOA and POA EcoSystem
ASI* and R&R have developed "ASI-R", an ecosystem in which R&R transforms the organizations towards EASA Approval (DOA, POA) and ASI accompanies the customers on technical matters (airworthiness expertise, CVEs, provision of STC dossiers for demonstration of capabilities to EASA on real cases..., )
ASI-R provides our customers with support all along the projects:
- during demonstration capabilities to EASA: provision of STC dossiers to demonstrate your new processes and tools on real cases.
- until customer's teams are autonomous: provision of key competences: CVEs (Compliance Verification Engineers), Airworthiness managers, independent monitoring consultants... they can be contracted part-time, on demand on a time & material basis
- until customer's DOA obtained: certification under ASI's EASA Approval enable the customer to start his business even before holding the DOA !
=> ASI-R's EcoSystem enables the customer to start STC or repairs business well before the obtention of its own DOA !
*nota: ASI-INNOVATION is a Design Organisation holding an EASA approval.
ASI has performed numbers of STCs on a wide scope (cabin interiors, avionics, integration of equipments inside and ouside aircrafts, structure...) and puts its experience of certification activities at disposition of our customers
ASI-R provides our customers with support all along the projects:
- during demonstration capabilities to EASA: provision of STC dossiers to demonstrate your new processes and tools on real cases.
- until customer's teams are autonomous: provision of key competences: CVEs (Compliance Verification Engineers), Airworthiness managers, independent monitoring consultants... they can be contracted part-time, on demand on a time & material basis
- until customer's DOA obtained: certification under ASI's EASA Approval enable the customer to start his business even before holding the DOA !
=> ASI-R's EcoSystem enables the customer to start STC or repairs business well before the obtention of its own DOA !
*nota: ASI-INNOVATION is a Design Organisation holding an EASA approval.
ASI has performed numbers of STCs on a wide scope (cabin interiors, avionics, integration of equipments inside and ouside aircrafts, structure...) and puts its experience of certification activities at disposition of our customers